A global effort led by the International Center for Community Land Trusts

Global South CLT Initiative Webinar (Online)

Español: El webinario "Tenencia de la tierra en América Latina y el Caribe: acercamientos y soluciones colectivas" es uno de los eventos conmemorativos del día mundial de los fideicomisos comunitarios de la tierra (World CLT Day). Este evento trae un panorama de las experiencias de Fideicomisos Comunitarios de la Tierra en el Sur Global, a partir de […]

European Community Land Trust Network General Assembly (In-Person)

Berlin Berlin, Germany

Coinciding with World CLT Day 2024 on 17-18 May and hosted by Stadtbodenstiftung in Berlin, this two-day event takes the first general assembly of the new European CLT Network as an opportunity to raise awareness of the CLT model in Berlin and beyond. The event will convene member organizations from the newly founded European CLT […]

World CLT Day (Online campaign)


World CLT Day is a global event dedicated to celebrating and raising awareness about community land trusts (CLTs). It’s a day to connect participants from across the world, showcase the contributions of CLTs towards affordable housing, community empowerment, and sustainable development, and emphasize the movement’s commitment to inclusive growth and social change. The occasion serves […]